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Instantly Implement!
12 Weeks to Your Enterpreneurial Transformation

"Get Ready to Create, Live, & Leave a Legacy That Speaks When You No Longer Can!"

Great Day, Attractive Thinker!  Do you feel like your'e functioning from day to day in a rut, a routine, or a system?  Do you wake up with defeating Dr. Toni Hatton Book Signing thoughts that deplete your energy and expectation for the day? You may have landed on this page because you've been searching and thinking about your life, yet can't figure out who you are, which direction to go in, or how to get started giving birth to the numerous ideas that you've been carrying around in your heart for years!  Maybe you've been feeling uncomfortable with the things that used to make you comfortable and you're experiencing a silent frustration.  I know exactly what that feels like!  Have you ever reached the end of the day and you sit on the side of the bed in total exhaustion, feeling drained and not looking forward to a repeat tomorrow? Are you receiving idea after idea, yet lack an idea about how to put them all together so that they flow in the same direction?

Lack of clarity can result in mental anguish, stress, & self-doubt and I celebrate you for discovering this page because it's time to "Break the Cycle"!

You're in the right place to hear this message right now if you are longing for a deeper life experience and when you look around, you're the only one who feels that way!  Maybe you landed on this page because you've been praying and seeking answers for a very long time & you believe that this is your defining moment! You may even desire to write your book or start your business, lay a new generational path for your bloodline, or become an Entrepreneur so that you can control your time and money freedom!  A deep desire of mine was to carve a new generational path for the people in my current generation and for those who haven't even been born yet!  When I thought about it, I didn't just want to spend my life carving this new path, I wanted to create, live, and leave a NEW generational legacy that speaks when I no longer can!

You may feel like I used to... People are always coming to you for support/answers/encouragement!  You're struggling to figure out your own life, yet everywhere you go, you end up being volunteered for something else, pulled on to lead this event or that event, asked to solve problems and conflict, and always the go-to person in your family!  ... you know, the one that everyone depends on!  You're multi-talented, creative, passionate, driven, & very giving, but, you find yourself making sure that everyone else has what they need, and have become comfortable with not having your needs met!  You're ready to take full responsibility for creating the life that you desire and deserve because in your heart, you desire to be free, have your own, become self-sufficient, & prosperous!

You may have landed on this page because you're trying to get healthy, start a business, raise a family, reinvent yourself, make your life count, do something meaningful, break generational patterns of sickness/disease/poverty/abuse, or manage life and all of its' responsibilities, yet it's not coming together!  It feels like a huge task that you're not equipped to accomplish.  When you muster the courage to take it head on, you feel like you're all over the place and year in and year out nothing is changing but your age! You know that you have what it takes to create a great life for yourself!  You know that you are smart, creative, passionate and driven, but you're not sure where to start, you doubt your ability, you don't have a role model because no one in your family has ever stepped outside of the norm, you're not sure how to sell your products and services, or you deal with mental blocks and negative self-chatter and emotions that paralyze you with fear!

I Get That!  

Dr Toni SingingOne day, I realized that a lot of my frustration came from me not fully being who I was created to be!  I had settled for mediocre conversations, social events, and mindless routines!  I knew that something was pulling me higher, but I didn't have the courage, know which way to go, how to start, what I had to break free from, who I really was, or what I even really wanted out of life.  I didn't know what I was going to do but I was very clear that I was not going to live like that any longer!

Even the events/conferences/seminars that I attended, left me with so many unanswered questions that I couldn't even implement the information that I was given.  I wanted to be an author!  I wanted to own a profitable business and own my own time and money freedom, travel and see the abundance that God created around the world, but there was a missing piece. I had the information, but I didn't have the tools, nor was I prepared to confront and overcome the obstacles that I'd face along the way.  What I discovered was that information without the proper tools to implement it creates frustration!

Do you find yourself attending meeting after meeting, conference after conference, yet you struggle to implement the notes that you take, the information that you receive, and all of the audios, Cd's, and books that you purchase?  Have you ever asked yourself, "Why can't I implement? Why can't I stay focused and follow through?"  No worries, Attractive Thinker!  Most of this frustration and procrastination is not your fault!!  There are some missing pieces to your success that weren't placed in your conference bag! Information alone doesn't provide the fuel that is necessary to take action and create your visions, dreams, and goals! Information needs practical application in order to create clarity!  Now here's the kicker...  even the practical application can't be taught at an event where there are numerous people in attendance because everyone is unique, comes from various backgrounds, so the internal blocks that come up are unique as well.  They can't be addressed at an event, the solutions must be customized in order to guarantee success!  

New information when applied with the proper tools will create a new YOU!
 Tools? They don't teach that at the conference!  Mindset? They only tell you to be positive!  Huh? Have you ever had a friend, coach, mentor, teacher, preacher, etc. tell you "what" you should do and you walk away not knowing "how" to do it?  You walk away, then you encounter obstacles that you aren't clear about how to overcome.  Do you find yourself attending conference call after conference call, you struggle to keep up with all of the PIN numbers, and you still leave the call not fully believing that you can accomplish what you just heard?  Do you feel confused and struggle to figure out where to begin?  Confusion makes the mind do nothing!  It pushes your goals off to a future which never shows up!

Dr Toni SpeakingWhen we gather in educational settings, be it grade school, college, church, conferences, etc. information is shared to a broad audience of people who are at different levels on their journey through life and at various levels of consciousness.  It's impossible to share one topic, lesson, or message and expect everyone to get it and run with it.  That information encounters various beliefs, barriers, filters, circumstances, etc.  This is why additional support via a coach is needed to bring clarity to the information received so that it can be implemented.  Coaches bring clarity, shorten the process, and can foresee and walk you through obstacles and challenges!  When you shift from cloudy to clear, you accomplish goal after goal after goal!

Imagine... you're in traffic and you run into a fog.  What do you immediately do?  You begin to slow down.  It takes you longer to reach your destination, and due to fear, you may decide to pull over to the side of the road.  Once the fog lifts, you're able to see clearly, pick up speed, and reach your destination.  This also happens in life!  Thousands of people have slowed down in their lives and pulled over to the side of the road, putting their dreams on hold because they are in a fog and can't see their vision, dream, or goal clearly any longer! Imagine... knowing that there is more in life for you, with your name on it, you feel it, you hear it calling you higher, but you struggle to find it!  If you're like me, you want that BEFORE you leave here!

It's not that you haven't prayed hard enough or long enough.  It's not that you haven't begged and pleaded and cried long/hard enough.  It's not that you aren't working hard enough.  The reason that most people struggle to use the information that they receive to accomplish their visions, dreams, and goals is because they lack support, they're around people who cannot help them, their vision is not clear, they don't have the proper tools to implement and to overcome the obstacles that they encounter along the way, and their mind is not "set"/focused in the direction that they desire to go!  It's time to shift from existing in the backseat of your life to living in the driver's seat, fully in control, focused, clear, and going in the right direction! Okay?  Let's do this!

What is an Attractive Thinker?
     ...a person with VISION who can SEE BEYOND what they are looking at and has the COURAGE to FOCUS on what they see until it MANIFESTS!  

It takes mental strength to develop the mental capacity to hold onto your dream until it becomes your reality!  It takes courage to see beyond your current circumstances, carve a new path, and focus on creating a business, a dream, or anything new that you've never done before. The Instantly Implement! 12 Weeks to Your Entrepreneurial Transformation program will support you in getting real results, reaching your goals, carving a new generational path, creating a life that means something to you, & positioning yourself to discover and serve the people who are waiting to receive solutions from you!

Here's the deal...

You don't have to run all over the place to bring balance, clarity, & results into your life!  This program is different in that it targets all aspects of "You" & your success!  It's difficult to be successful in business if your health is failing!  It's hard to grown when you're surrounded by people who are comfortable right where they are! How do you create a plan when you lack a model?  You'll doubt yourself because you've tried so many times before to no avail!  Attractive Thinker, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you! You're about to receive clarity on your purpose, direction and next steps for your goals, and resources to support you in reaching heights in your life that you never thought existed!  Get ready to step into ease and flow by just being YOU!  Once you get clear on who you are, what solutions you bring to the planet, and who those solutions are for, people will begin to ask you what you've been doing because you'll be accomplishing goal after goal after goal and enjoying success after success after success, effortlessly!  That's our natural environment, EASE & FLOW!  Really?!  Yes!!!  Look at the birds... Look at the fish...  Look at the deer in the woods...  I never see them struggling!  So, why should we?!

WARNING!!  When you enter the presence of a Vision Expert, expect to SEE clearly!

No words will adequately express how beautifully Dr. Toni Hatton, The Attractive Thinker and Vision/Mindset Expert  illuminated my circumstances. The same qualities and experiences that seem bleak and unadorned, Dr. Hatton saw as a critical part of the process & God-given tools and talents to be appreciated & leveraged for my success. In the midst of all of her personal and professional pursuits, Dr. Hatton followed up with me and poured into my life which evoked a refreshed mindset!  I implore you to begin your journey in the pursuit of happiness by contacting Dr. Hatton, NOW. She will guide you in seeing yourself and visualizing your future in a way that you have never seen before. Dr. Toni has an amazing heart, gift, and willingness to co-create your personalized plan of success. DON’T THINK, JUST DO!!!                                                            ~ Attractive Thinker Sharonda

"When the Vision is Clear, it is Pursued and Manifested!"

Instantly Implement!
12 Weeks to Your Enterpreneurial Transformation

Dr Toni Speaking with Guests
Money without Meaning Equals Misery!"

When you are whole, the accomplishment of your life & business goals has more meaning and fulfillment!

Get excited, Attractive Thinker!  We're about to spend 12 weeks together as I walk you through 6 areas of your life that affect every part of your life and success! When one of these areas is out of balance, it affects the balance in all of the other areas.  If you wake up every day with a headache and can't figure out how to balance your blood pressure/blood sugar, your energy is affected.  Your business is affected.  Your goals are affected and how much you accomplish that day is affected.  If you're not surrounded by positive relationships and you constantly have to explain why you want more than the status quo or you are lacking the support that you need to stay inspired and motivated, this too affects every other area of your life. Everything flows THROUGH you... your vision/mindset, your health, your relationships, your environment, your business, and your finances!  Whenever you desire to create/accomplish something new, that new idea has to encounter an old mindset, current relationships, faulty beliefs, doubt, fear of failure, fear of success, childhood experiences, headaches, high blood pressure, low energy, etc.  Since every area of your life is affected by any one area of your life, why not make them all your priority?  The Instantly Implement! 12 Weeks to Your Entrepreneurial Transformation program is a wholistic approach to accomplishing your life & business goals!  


You wake up, throw the covers off, leap out of the bed, excited because you know who you are, what you're going to do for the day, and who you're here to Dr. Toni Hatton Auditioning for The Voice serve your gifts to!  You're not dealing with low self-esteeem so you don't hesitate when the phone rings and your wildest dream opportunity has come true!  You're prepared because you've done your inner work!  You have all of the resources, products, services in stock, priced right, and ready to go!  Your personal assistant has already booked your flight and breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen!  You get dressed.  Your favorite motivational music is playing throughout your home, as you dance a jig or two on your way to the airport!  You're not afraid, trying to figure out what you are going to say because you know who you are and are certain that when it's time to speak, you'll know exactly what to say because it's in you!

Imagine how you'd feel if you no longer felt worry, doubt, fear, stress, and overwhelm.  What would you do with your life if you no longer had to spend your time pondering, wandering, crying, begging, bargaining, or engaging in pity parties.  What would you now have time to do?  Who would you be?  This is how close you are to your dream life! One new decision can break a generational cycle!  One person can carve a new generational path!  All it takes is one person in the bloodline to accomplish something new to set the next generation free!

That person is you, Attractive Thinker!

What is the Cost?!
(You may not know what it's costing you to settle for less than your dream life!)

  • The cost of having an idea and not knowing how to give birth to it causes one to spend a lifetime praying for what's already been given!
  • The cost of being a passionate, driven, go-getter & surrounded by people with no drive can make the heart sick!
  • The cost of using prescription drugs and surgery, not knowing how to access the healing within can reduce longevity & a life of quality!
  • The cost of not investing now can place you back in the loop of looking for and chasing the NEXT thing!
  • The cost of living for 30, 40, 50, or 60 years & not knowing who you are or where you're going is extremely EXPENSIVE!
  • The cost of feeling powerless, not knowing that you have all the power keeps one endlessly seeking for outer things to empower them!
  • The cost of not knowing how to fill that hole in your soul can cause regrets at the end!
  • The cost of constantly settling for abuse is damaging to a beautiful soul!
  • The cost of leaving here without creating, living, & leaving your legacy... well you can answer that one!
  • The cost of passing down low self-esteem, poverty, & no expectations to the next generation is unthinkable!
  • The cost of existing, being stuck in routines and mindless activities and never fully living can rob one of an abundant life experience!

So, as you can see, there are 2 costs!  The cost of staying the same and the cost of investing in the elevation and evolution of YOU!

If you don't know who you are, then the world doesn't know who you are and it's missing out on a totally FANTASTIC & AMAZING Attractive Thinker!

I know you're FANTASTIC & AMAZING or you would have never found this page on the internet!

You found this page because you are more than what you have become and you can FEEL IT!  Everyday you FEEL IT!  In order to BREAK... the CYCLE, you have to step OUT OF the PATTERN!

Guess what I've discovered?!

Your SOUL will not stop calling you until you ANSWER IT because it knows EXACTLY who you are, where you're supposed to be in life, and what will light your FIRE!

So... Which cost are you willing to pay?  The cost of not answering to the call of your soul and living life on empty?

... or the Cost of Investing in YOU, By Clicking the Button Below!

"Dr. Toni, This is Exactly What I Need!  I Can't Wait to Get Started!"

Click the Button Below for the Full-Pay Option!

Click the Button Below for the 3-Pay Option!

As soon as you register, check your email for your Pre-Program Assignments to prepare the soil of your mind for what's about to be planted!  Exciting, huh?!!  Yes, this is your defining moment!!

When you enroll in the Instantly Implement!  
12 Weeks to Your Enterpreneurial Transformation, you'll discover that:

In Order to Accomplish Any Goal in Your Life and/or Your Business, the Focus Must Begin with YOU!
These 6 Areas that Affect You Daily will Become ONE, So that You're Not Running Over Here Trying to Fix & Grow This and Running Over There Trying to Fix & Grow That!

Lessons 1 & 2 Begins with Knowing Who YOU Are!
Lessons 3 & 4 Targets Where YOU Place Yourself in Life & Business!
Lessons 5 & 6 Focuses on What Flows Through YOU & Who It's For!

This 12-week program is for you if...
  • personal growth & development is your thing!
  • you'd like to write a book or start your business idea!
  • you desire mental clarity to banish repetitive thoughts and mental anquish!
  • you're ready to align your mind with your desired lifestyle!
  • you refuse to watch this precious opportunity called life, to pass you by!
  • you're tired of working hard and getting itsy, bitsy results!
  • you find yourself functioning around people, places, & things, thinking that you could be doing so much more!
  • you've been thinking about your life and you're not sure which direction to go in!
  • you're done wasting time and you need results asap!
  • you're tired of working so hard!
  • you're in transition!
  • you don't feel fulfilled!
  • you don't know who you are!
  • you have the drive, yet lack the directions!
  • you're tired of building your dream alone & you need support and community!
  • you're strong, but feel broken & keep getting knocked back down!
  • you're talented & artistic, but can't shake the unworthy feeling!
  • you want to learn how to give birth to your dreams!
  • you're not sure how to build a business from what you love to do!
  • you're not sure how to put all of the parts & pieces together in your business!
  • you desire to have your own... life, money, business, time, freedom, etc.
  • you struggle with charging higher prices for your products/services!
  • you feel all over the place and need structure!
  • you're looking for a one-stop-shop to bring harmony & balance into your life!
  • you'd like an Expert to hold your hand and show you instead of telling you how to reach your goals!
  • you feel defeated, yet you know that you are an incredible person!
  • you struggle with goal-setting, organization, and procrastination!
  • you need someone to take you by the hand & show you "how" to build your dream!
  • you're ready to invest in yourself just like you've invested in others!
  • you're not a surface person & you desire to live your highest potential!
  • you really want to know who you are and what you're supposed to be doing!
  • you desire to create a new legacy for your family!
  • you know that if you don't carve this new path, no one else will!
  • you desire to help your family, but you don't know how!
  • you desire to start a business or have been in business will little to no results!
  • you are a truth-seeker and you desire tools and resources that get to the root causes of what's holding you back!
  • you desire to create a regret-free life when you're looking back from the end!
  • you desire to break the cycle of generational trauma, pain, abuse, addictions, obesity immaturity, ignorance, & toxic relationships in your bloodline!
  • you're done with the same old/same old!
  • you desire to be balanced in these 6 areas, but things seem to run together and you can't get a grip on how to create ease and flow!
  • you need hand-holding and you're tired of trying to accomplish your goals alone!
  • you have to make a change right now, yet you lack the courge!
  • you need accountability because you keep giving up!
  • you've attended several events, yet nothing has changed!
  • you're tired of procrastinating, making excuses, & beating yourself up!
  • you're depressed but it's not really depression!

This is your DEFINING MOMENT, Attractive Thinker!

The Attractive Thinker Logo
Instantly Implement: 12 Weeks to Your Entrepreneurial Transformation
When you think about the pain that you're experiencing right now, the questions that you need aswers to, or the things that keep you up at night, searching and pacing the floor...  The solutions to that will fall into one of the following lessons that you'll receive clarity on!

Lesson 1: I'm All Over the Place & I Don't Know Where to Start!
Your Vision & Mindset Clarity Lesson
Will Support You in Bringing Clarity to What It Is that You Desire to Accomplish (so that you are crystal clear and not all over the place, disorganized, and trying to accomplish too many things all at once) & in Developing the Proper Mindset that is Needed to Attract versus Chase Your Visions, Dreams, & Goals!!

Week 1:   Vision/Mindset Clarity & Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement!
Week 2:   Live Topic Discussion and Q&A Session for a Deeper Experience

Do you have emotional goals as well as goals that you'd like to accomplish in your life/business? Are you tired of worrying? Do you wake up to the stress & pressure of negative self-talk?  Are your first thoughts in the morning self-defeating?  Is your energy scattered? Do you find yourself stuck at getting ready to write your book or getting ready to start your business idea and you never get started?  Maybe you go through cycles of having the courage, life happens, and then you lack the courage to pick yourself back up again!  Are you ready to elevate to another level of consciousness? How far can you see Attractive Thinker? Is your vision clear or are you believing and not believing/up and down? Do you ever wonder why others are successful in certain areas while you are putting forth all of the effort that you know how, with little to no results? Whatever the mind is "set" to, pre-determines what gets created.  Mindset is everything & is the first thing that needs to be addressed when attempting to accomplish anything NEW! In this lesson, we will clarify your visions, dreams, and goals, and implement life-altering Attractive Thinker tools that engage the power of the mind & make your results stick so that you can leave the cocoon of the comfort zone and transform like a butterfly!

Lesson 2: I Need to Lose this Weight, But I Keep Doing the Same Things!
Your Health & Wellness Clarity Lesson
Will Support You in Increasing Your Energy, Releasing Excessive Weight, & Aligning Your Food and Your Body with Your Life/Business Goals while Ending the Self-
Sabotage & Cravings!  Get Ready to Create Generational Wellness! A Family that Eats Well Together Lives Longer Together!

Week 3:   Health & Wellness Clarity
& Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement!
Week 4:   Live Topic Discussion and Q&A Session for a Deeper Experience

     Tired of going from one gym membership to another or starting your diet again every Monday?  Feel like no matter what you eat or stop eating, you still experience bloating, low energy, and expcessive weight?  Are you confused with all of the powders, pills, and hype about this diet and that diet?  For as long as humanity has existed on this earth, we should not be struggling and trying to figure out how to be healthy!  It's a system! Systems are designed to control!  We are conditioned to eat a certain way and to prepare our foods a certain way.  The majority of sickness/dis-ease is due to lifestyle choices. Our wellness goals are being sabotaged with fast food availability, junk food, and sugary drinks, convenience, comfort, and ease.  Food that is void of nutrition robs the body of the energy that it needs to function throughout the day and keep the body healthy.  That same energy is needed to accomplish your visions, dreams, and goals!   You'll discover how to make healthy foods that taste Amazing! We will be working from the inside out and getting skinny will be just a side-effect of the healing that takes place within!  In this lesson, you'll see your health in a new light and receive the practical tools necessary to position your body to work for you and not against your visions, dreams, and goals!  Bonus:  After the 12 weeks, we still want to support you, so you'll have access to our private members only "Get a Hot Body Before It Gets Hot!" program!  How cool is that?!

Lesson 3: Create Fantastic & Amazing Relationships So That You Stop Attracting People Who Drain You!
Your Relationship Clarity Lesson
Will Support Your in Developing and Attracting the Proper Relationships/Clients/Customers that Grow Your Business & in Releasing What is Not Working!

Week 5:   Relationship Clarity
& Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement!
Week 6:   Live Topic Discussion and Q& A Session for a Deeper Experience

     Ever find yourself constantly attracting the same kind of relationships?  Lack the courage to set proper boundaries in relationships?  Afraid to speak up and sell your products/servies?  Not sure how to follow up or what to say on a call with your prospects & clients? We've heard it once said, "Your relationships influence you!"  Sometimes we think that we are strong and can handle negativity.  Maybe the relationships aren't negative, they just are not supporting you in getting to where you need to be in your life.  It doesn't mean that they aren't good people.  It just means that they cannot get you to where you desire to go and/or they can't go where you are going.  So, what do you do? As an Entrepreneur, your relationships will determine your level of success! Relationship Clarity is key to your success.  Have you heard it once said, "Everything happens at the speed of relationships?"  In this lesson, you'll disover how to position yourself for and how to develop great relationships!  You'll also receive tools on how to set boundaries in, release, & manage relationships that support your prosperity!

Lesson 4: Create Effortless Success!
Your Environment Clarity Lesson
Will Support You in Knowing Where You Fit and How to Create the Proper Environment that Guarantees the Growth of Your Visions, Dreams, & Goals & How to Uproot What is Hindering them from Growing!

Week 7:   Environment Clarity
& Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement!
Week 8:   Live Topic Discussion and Q&A Session for a Deeper Experience

    Are you confused and stressed by the clutter?  Do you waste time looking for things?  Does your stress level rise with just the thought of working on your business, writing your book, or creating your ideas?  Do you feel all over the place? Does your environment support your growth? Everything has an environment in which it THRIVES!  Certain things cannot grow in certain environments no matter how hard we try, how good we are, and how good our hearts and intentions are.  It's a universal law!  Everything was created to thrive somewhere and when the environment is not conducive for growth, things begin to die, frustration sets in, we see no fruit, and we begin to lose hope, question ourselves and our ability, and consider giving up!  Together, let's create an environment where your ideas can grow, so that your visions, dreams, and goals become your reality!

Lesson 5: Become a Fearless & Confident Business Owner & Stop Begging & Bartering!
Your Business Clarity Lesson
Will Give You the Proper Tools to Strengthen & Clarify Your Goals and Support You in Creating a Successful Business while Ending the Fear of Failure & Success, Procrastination, Doubt and Unbelief!

Week 9:   Business Clarity & Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement!
Week 10: Live Topic Discussion and Q&A Session for a Deeper Experience

    Does the thought of taking action in your business give you a headache?  Do you find yourself doing everything that everyone else wants you to do, just to avoid trying to figure out what direction or next steps to take in your life/business? Are you not sure what steps to take, and then what steps to take after that?  Are you struggling to find your voice, and the people you are sent here to serve? Everyday, someone is shifting from employee to entrepreneur!  It takes courage to believe in yourself and your ability to finance your own lifestyle while creating a life of meaning and fulfillment at the same time.  Time is precious and something that we cannot get back.  Your time is your life!  The clock is constantly ticking.  When you spend time, you're spending your life.  All money is not good money if it has no meaning!  As an Entrepreneur, you get to make a difference while making your dollars!  Money without meaning has no value!  Whether you're an employee shifting into entrepreneurship or an employee AND an entrepreneur, these are two different mindsets and in this lesson, we will develop the mindset of an entrepreneur for business clarity!  

Lesson 6: Say Goodbye to Poverty, Lack, & Survival & Start Attracting Your Money with Ease!
Your Financial Clarity Lesson
Will Support You in Raising Your Money Consciousness, Developing a Grander Relationship with Your Money, and in Increasing the Flow of Money in your Life/Business!

Week 11: Financial Clarity
& Attractive Thinker Tools to Instantly Implement! 
Week 12: Live Topic Discussion and Q&A Session for a Deeper Experience

What is your relationship with money? Do you feel ashamed or embarrased in money conversations?  Do you know how to monetize your products/services?  Do you deny yourself the desires of your heart due to a lack of money? Do you stutter or cringe when you have to ask for the sale? Money flows!  If it encounters faulty beliefs, ab-use, or an environment where it cannot flow and grow, it will not stay.  This is the reason why many win millions of dollars in the lottery and soon end up broke.  Money flowed to them but the environment wasn't conducive for the money to grow, so it did not stay.  Money needs a purpose/a meaning!  Money that does not have meaning has no value!  In this lesson, you'll discover hidden money that you pass by every single day & how to attract and stop chasing money!

You'll also receive life-altering Attractive Thinker Tools to instanly implement with precision and clarity!  
Be sure to get a notebook to keep your Attractive Thinker Assignments, Worksheets, and Tools in one central location.  Once you register, you will receive an email with pre-homework assignments and next steps to prepare you for the next 12 weeks.  You'll also have access to a Private Members Only Area in which we can communicate throughout the next 12 weeks so that you receive immediate support to flow through obstacles instead of getting stuck in them.  Create a quiet place to focus on this program for best results because this is no ordinary moment! This is your DEFINING MOMENT!  

BONUSES:  You'll have access to:

the Private Members Only area for an additional 3 months after the completion of the program, so that you have additional support with overcoming obstacles that you may encounter after the 12 weeks, while you're standing on your own 2 feet!  How cool is that?!!  No more walking alone trying to figure it all out and falling back into the same old/same old routines that don't produce results in your life!

"If You Grew Up Poor, Read This!" Ebook
to help you get clear as to where you're out of alignment with your money & how to attract it!

the Private "Get a Hot Body Before It Gets Hot! Members Only area for 3 months after your completion of the 12-week program to support you in maintaining your progress with your health goals & being supported by a community of Attractive Thinkers who are serious about their life-transformation and aging younger instead of older!

"Write It or Be Written!" Audio CD
to support you in getting your book out of your head and onto the shelves!

After completion of the next 12 weeks, you will:

The Instantly Implement 12 Weeks to Your Enterpreneurial Transformation Program Takes Place On
Wednesdays, at 8pm Eastern for the next 12 weeks, so mark your calendars, set alarms in your cell phone, and set aside this time just for you!  

If this message has touched you on a deeper level, then this truth is resonating with the truth that is in you!  It's a perfect match!  Most people settle for the "feel good" feeling and get snatched  back into the loop/routine of life and keep it moving!  That thought never crossed your mind.  You're still reading, thinking about how this opportunity is what you've been looking for!  Your mind is so in alignment with this message that it has already started looking for the pay button below!  To you, it's a no-brainer!  You're ready to embrace a NEW way and unleash a leader in "You" that you've never met before!  You're ready to write, publish, and market your book!  You're ready to get clear on your business idea and how to get your products & services in the marketplace!  So...

What is the Cost?
(You may not know what it's costing you to settle for less than your dream life!)

  • The cost of having an idea and not knowing how to give birth to it causes one to spend a lifetime praying for what's already been given!
  • The cost of being a passionate, driven, go-getter & surrounded by people with no drive can make the heart sick!
  • The cost of using prescription drugs and surgery, not knowing how to access the healing within can reduce longevity & a life of quality!
  • The cost of not investing now can place you back in the loop of looking for and chasing the NEXT thing!
  • The cost of living for 30, 40, 50, or 60 years & not knowing who you are or where you're going is extremely EXPENSIVE!
  • The cost of feeling powerless, not knowing that you have all the power keeps one endlessly seeking for outer things to empower them!
  • The cost of not knowing how to fill that hole in your soul can cause regrets at the end!
  • The cost of constantly settling for abuse is damaging to a beautiful soul!
  • The cost of leaving here without creating, living, & leaving your legacy...  well you can answer that one!
  • The cost of passing down low self-esteem, poverty, & no expectations to the next generation is unthinkable!
  • The cost of existing, being stuck in routines and mindless activities and never fully living can rob one of an abundance life experience!

So, as you can see, there are 2 costs!  The cost of staying the same and the cost of investing in the elevation and evolution of YOU!

If you don't know who you are, then the world doesn't know who you are and it's missing out on a totally FANTASTIC & AMAZING Attractive Thinker!

I know you're FANTASTIC & AMAZING or you would have never found this page on the internet!

You found this page because you are more than what you have become and you can FEEL IT!  Everyday you FEEL IT!  In order to BREAK... the CYCLE, you have to step OUT OF the PATTERN!

Guess what I've discovered?!

Your SOUL will not stop calling you until you ANSWER IT because it knows EXACTLY who you are, where you're supposed to be in life, and what will light your FIRE!

So... Which cost are you willing to pay?  The cost of not answering to the call of your soul and living life on empty?

... or the Cost of Investing in YOU, By Clicking the Button Below!

"Dr. Toni, This is Exactly What I Need!  I Can't Wait to Get Started!"
Click the Button Below for the Full-Pay Option!

Click the Button Below for the 3-Pay Option!

As soon as you register, check your email for your Pre-Program Assignments to prepare the soil of your mind for what's about to be planted!  Exciting, huh?!!  Yes, this is your defining moment!!

Hello Attractive Thinkers! I'd like to extend a heartfelt moment of gratitude to Dr. Toni Hatton! Dr. Toni, you have helped me breakthrough some challenges in my life & uproot some things that I had masked down for so many years! For that, I say God Bless you and Thank You! Attractive Thinkers, Dr. Toni has a way of listening that is unheard of.  She hears things in the conversation before you really have the chance to say them. I hope this doesn't sound corny, but when you are fumbling through things of the past and dealing with issues that you don't want to unveil, here is one point where she knows exactly how to gently step in and help you. That sore painful spot that you don't want to touch... You know the spot I am speaking of... that pain, that anger, that resistance, that agony and all of that darkness. That is the spot that she helps you to continue to rub and once you continue to rub that sore spot, this is when your breakthrough happens. There is life on the other side of that spot! If you are thinking of collaborating with Dr. Toni, just do it. You and your future self will be glad that you did! Dr. Toni, Continue to Bless Others!   
                                                                                                                                                           ~Attractive Thinker Coach Lakesha

  At the completion of the Instantly Implement! 12 Weeks to Your Enterpreneurial Transformation program you will... have not only the information to reach your goals in the above key areas, but you will have the proper Attractive Thinker Tools to keep you focused, on fire, motivated, and clear as to what you are doing, why you are here, how to show up in the world, what to accomplish next, and how to bring balance in your thinking, your health, your relationships, your environment, your business, and your finances!  You will have the proper perspective of obstacles, challenges, and frustrations and the proper tools to move through them instead of getting stuck in them!  You'll discover how to maximize what you do have to create what you don't have!  When there's balance, what's been yours all along will begin to flow to you with ease!

I look forward to supporting you in becoming unrecognizable!

Dr. Toni HattonDr. Toni Hatton, Your "Break the Cycle" Coach/Vision & Mindset Expert, Vocal Artist, Speaker, Author of Don't Be Afraid: He's Preparing You!, &Creator of The Attractive Thinker Movement
supports New/Aspiring Entrepreneurs in breaking the cycle in their life/business/bloodline!  The Attractive Thinker Movement provides mental tools so they can create, live, & leave a legacy that speaks when they no longer can!  Dr. Toni was host and co-host of global speaking platforms including her own radio show, The Attractive Thinker at Radio One!  She is the recipient of a Govenor's Citation and an Honorary Doctorate Degree for the transformation that she provides on a daily basis! While homeschooling 4 incredible children for 11 years, (who are currently adults with several degrees in various fields) she ran several businesses and contracted with schools and local stores to carry her products and services!  She's held board positions in education and advocated in the area of special needs for over 12 years!  Dr. Toni has supported her private clients in writing their own books and starting their own businesses!One defining moment that could have dimmed her light, but instead gave her insight, set her on a path that would illuminate her life and the lives of others around the globe! As a result of showing her son how to see without eyes, it enabled her to show people with eyes how to see!  ... how to properly see in life!

~Keep Thinking, Attractively!

Dr Toni Signature
Dr. Toni Hatton
Break-the-Cycle Specialist
Your Vision/Mindset Expert

Dr. Toni Hatton SpeakingThe Attractive Thinker Radio ProgramDr. Toni Hatton InterviewDr. Toni Hatton Speaks

"My Life's Work is to Make Your Life Better!

Remember, It's Not What You're Going Through, But How You're Viewing It!

~Think Attractively!

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